For the eighth time in a row, VAKlab organized its annual BKRK competition. With the BKRK-award, VAKlab, the expertise and service center for craftsmanship and entrepreneurship, strives for a positive impact on the economy and society. The award wants to challenge, support and guide creative talents and professionals on their path to entrepreneurship. This years’ theme: braiding techniques.
VAKlab made a call to enterprising creatives who approach the craftsmanship of braiding technology from the present, based on techniques from the past and at the same time linked to innovation and relevance. At VAKlab I manage the BKRK trajectory in which ten entries, picked by the professional jury, are coached in their idea and concept. The candidates are given room for exploration together with a number of experts. In this way they refined their product or service to make it in line with the market.
The trajectory is absolute magic, it’s a joy to see the candidates and their idea grow into a full blown, ready-for-market concept under the experienced eye of jury members Sep Verboom, designer, Coralie Claeys, CEO of Vincent Sheppard, Veerle Windels, journalist and Pascal Cools, CEO of Flanders DC. And the winner is … Wilgentroost, a braining collective that offers a more sustainable farewell to our loved ones