BOLD dualities - Milan Design Week 2024
Kim Vandeloo Kim Vandeloo

BOLD dualities - Milan Design Week 2024

Baroness O. was asked by Belgium is Design, which promotes Belgian design around the world, to curate their exposition for Milan Design Week 2024. The task at hand: Envision a concept for the exposition that embodies the Belgian design landscape of twenty twenty four and make a selection of ten to fifteen designers to personify your vision. Challenge accepted…

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Kim Vandeloo Kim Vandeloo


For the eighth time in a row, VAKlab organized its annual BKRK competition. This years’ theme: braiding techniques. At VAKlab I manage the BKRK trajectory in which ten entries, picked by the professional jury, are coached in their idea and concept.

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Labiomista Block Party
Kim Vandeloo Kim Vandeloo

Labiomista Block Party

Long tables in the streets, windows open, smells and tastes from the neighborhood, selling treasures from the attic and garage, music and conviviality... What a pleasure to organise the Koning Boudewijnlaan’s first-since-years block party in Labiomista’s back yard.

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VAKlab Calender 2023-2024
Kim Vandeloo Kim Vandeloo

VAKlab Calender 2023-2024

In May 2023 we launched VAKlab’s new Craftsmanship Calender spiked with interesting lectures, workshops and much more. The calender is themed around the matter of wood to not only inspire designers, craftsmen and entrepreneurs but also to prepare possible candidates for their submission for the BKRK-award.

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Kim Vandeloo Kim Vandeloo


Kunstennacht is the go to event to discover Hasselt's diverse art and cultural life. Art houses open their doors, studios, galleries and artists give a taste of their work, often in surprising locations, in exhibitions, concerts, open studios, performances, shows and tours. Together with colleague Tine Deboelpaep we managed the night from A to Z

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Kim Vandeloo Kim Vandeloo


In the years to come I will be working at VAKlab on the trajectory coördination of the BKRK-award, that challenges, supports and guides creative talents and professionals on their way to entrepreneurship, and the Craftsmanship Calender that is spiked with interesting lectures, workshops, masterclasses and much more.

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Connecting Nature Impact Summit
Kim Vandeloo Kim Vandeloo

Connecting Nature Impact Summit

The 'Connecting Nature Impact Summit, Genk' in 2022 concluded five years of research and innovation on Nature Based Solutions. During the Summit at the Thor site in Genk, the results of this research were presented and the impact of the project and of nature-based solutions was highlighted. Drama, together with communications agency This Way Up, took on the complete organization of the summit.

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Kim Vandeloo Kim Vandeloo


As freelancer I’m working on regular assignments for House for contemporary art and design Z33 in Hasselt. I am currently taking on the role of project leader in the development of the public program for the new expo cluster that will open on April 1, 2023.

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Smile Event Company
Kim Vandeloo Kim Vandeloo

Smile Event Company

As a freelance event manager for event company Smile I get to indulge in my wildest creative fantasies. Smile designs and produces premium events and moments for brands, companies, institutions and private clients. Being very proud to have produced events for clients such as Pfizer, Unizo, Visit Limburg, ASAP, Philips, The Province of Antwerp, Volvo, Bestseller and counting.

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Allez Stalenstraat
Kim Vandeloo Kim Vandeloo

Allez Stalenstraat

When the city of Genk planned to revamp their Stalenstraat and gift it with its own street party ‘Allez Stalenstraat’ I was happy to be counted in! The beauty about Stalenstraat is that it’s a representation of the world. And Allez Stalenstraat is its celebration.

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Baroness O.
Kim Vandeloo Kim Vandeloo

Baroness O.

In 2016 I joined creative studio Baroness O. and took on the communications and organization of our projects where Anne takes on the design part. In the past couple of years we worked on great projects. We initiated, curated, designed, created and hosted shops, dinner parties, content, video’s, …

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communications Kim Vandeloo communications Kim Vandeloo


De Noord-Zuid-verbinding, meaning the North-South connection, meaning the road between the North and South of Limburg has known a loooong history of difficulties. The research team Studio NZL from uHasselt is responsible for the participatory part of the project. Together with illustrator Jenny Stieglitz I hopped on a tandem for 62 kilometers to literally cycle down the road from Hasselt to Eindhoven and interview as many people as possible.

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communications, organization Kim Vandeloo communications, organization Kim Vandeloo


With urban project "De Torens" the city of Aarschot is working on a greener city. UHasselt, Aarschot and A2o-architects agreed to set up a series of actions with civilians, educational institutes, organizations, stakeholders, … to find out how they envisioned this green zone. And for that, they called me in.

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Participatory Design Conference 2018
organization Kim Vandeloo organization Kim Vandeloo

Participatory Design Conference 2018

In 2017 I was asked by University Hasselt to manage the practical side of their Participatory Design Conference in 2018! Sure, I loved to obviously! We were all very proud that an international company of designers, researchers, academics, … would come to our hometown for this conference. And we were determined to show them what Belgians super organised nature looked like.

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Designer- & Closet Sale
Kim Vandeloo Kim Vandeloo

Designer- & Closet Sale

In 2016 I was asked to take on the organization of a stock and closet sale, in the context of C-mines upcycling week. The Closet and Stocksale on September 18 brought (un) affordable designer fashion to C-mine. Designers sold their stock and fashion lovers with a nose for design sold countless designer items that they no longer wore, have never worn or that no longer fitted.

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